“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
our philosophy
it all starts here
When asked ‘do you ride English or Western?’, the answer is always ‘yes!’
While my early training and riding foundation is strongly rooted in English riding, I have learned over the years that riding a horse is riding a horse. Period. It doesn’t matter what tack you’re using, or whether you even have tack on at all! The foundations of riding are simple: balance, quietness, independence and confidence.
Yes, there are differences between neck reining and direct contact. A horse that jumps is steered differently than a cutting horse. A Western bit acts differently in the mouth than an English bit. But these nuances do not come into play until a strong foundation is first established. Once you have a strong foundation, a rider should be able to fluidly and easily mount any horse in any kind of tack and feel confident and in control.
Every great rider needs to first learn the basics, regardless of discipline. Whether you want to sail over 5-foot fences in the Grand Prix or careen around barrels at break-neck speeds, you need a balanced seat, quiet hands, and, most of all, passion. This passion starts early-on in riding. It is nurtured by quiet, trust-worthy horses, it is challenged by knowledgeable instructors, and it is what drives you to saddle up for each and every ride.
I started NOCO Equine to spark this passion. To provide every rider, regardless of discipline, a strong foundation to base their riding career off of. I focus on balance and comfort in the saddle, confidence, and, most of all, positive experiences. I teach my students to become independent riders, not just passengers in the saddle. At the end of the day, every great rider is more than just a rider. They are a trainer, they are an instructor, and they are in complete control of a 1-ton animal capable of flying.
Regardless of where you dream of winding up, a good rider needs a good foundation. And that is exactly what we specialize in.